i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 7:31:17 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CANON ACTIVITY CHECK





HELLO, EVERYONE! It is time for an activity check for canon characters.[break][break]

WHY A CANON AC? As we move forward with the site narrative, the canon activity check is important in order to ensure that canon characters are being utilized in a way that we would like to see on the site. We have an active and large member base, so maintaining strict standards for canon positions are important to us.[break][break]

Canon characters, when utilized well on a roleplaying site, have the potential to help new or non-canon characters develop their narratives in meaningful ways.[break][break]

Furthermore, this AC provides an opportunity to help encourage, strengthen and uphold effective storytelling skills on the part of our players.[break][break]

The AC also provides players of non-canon characters with the reassurance that even if a character is not a canon, they are essential figures in the overarching story of Hoenn. Everyone and anyone can be an influential part of another's story and/or the wider narrative Hoenn presents.[break][break]


Players who own these canon characters must also be good community members, able to avoid inflexible plotting, gatekeeping, and able to respect and exercise healthy boundaries of others, of their own, and of their characters. In this collaborative setting, being able to trust in the storytelling process and other storytellers is pivotal.[break][break]

Lastly, your health is more important than fictional titles and pixels on a roleplaying site. If you must step down from the canon position for better balance in your life, that is encouraged for your wellbeing. Should you wish to return to a canon position, after a steady period of activity, the character can possibly return to their original seat.


THE CANON ACTIVITY CHECK has the following requirements.[break][break]

  • 4 linked ic-posts in August from every canon character you own.
  • each post should be from a separate weeks or spaced out.
  • posts should not be from the same 1 or 2 threads.
  • solo wilds, safari threads, swarm threads, or anything similar will not count.
  • the progress and momentum of the thread will be considered.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If I have seen that there have been little to no plots progressed or that the explanations are not satisfactory, the canon position or avatarship will be removed from the character.[break][break]

Feel free to continue keeping your characters involved in their respective organizations in a similar manner, but they will no longer be official canons or in their previous seats.

NEW POSITIONS may be created (e.g. new Underboss positions, new Council positions, etc.) should a character narratively fit those positions.[break][break]

GYM LEADERS can grant a BADGE to a character they have threaded with and they feel is deserving of the badge's requirements. This is not a mandatory action and can be ignored.[break][break]

Please remember, non-canon characters can have similar impacts as canon characters. Canons are not the end all be all.[break][break]

PLEASE LET US KNOW if you have any questions and concerns as you read the guidelines below. Remember, "plots" do not need to mean elaborate narratives. For example, a gym leader continuing their work conducting gym battles can suffice.[break][break]

  • ensure that you spotlight non-canon interaction in some way.
  • must summarize 2 "plots" of any kind that are in-progress and the threading / posts that have already been put into it (within the ac period).
  • if the character is an avatar, summarize how the character has utilized their legendary/avatarship for collaborative narratives. further details are provided below.

HELPFUL TIPS: Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site.[break][break]

Guiding questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they developed due to this bond? How have they shown weakness versus being high and mighty all the time to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics? How has the legendary/avatarship been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)?


This activity check will close[break][break]AUGUST 31ST, 11:59PM PST.


YOU MAY USE THE TEMPLATE BELOW to write your canon activity check post. Huge thanks to MILKY for providing this cleaned up version of the template.[break][break]

As with most things on the site, the template is OPTIONAL and is not required for use as long as all the needed information is present in your post.[break][break][break][break]


[nospaces][blockquote][attr="class","milkyac"] [h1]CANON AC TEMPLATE[/h1]
[h2]AUGUST 2023 CANON ACTIVITY CHECK[/h2][break]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]player/ooc name:[/b] player name [/li]
[li][b]character tags:[/b] @TAG[/li][/ul] [/quote]
[div align="center"][b]4 ic posts for canon characters:[/b][/div]
[div][attr="class","ynospace"][ul type="disc"]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li][/ul][/quote]

[div align="center"][b]summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:[/b][/div]
[ul type="disc"][li][b]1. PLOT NAME[/b][break]
Description of plot.[/li][/ul][/quote]

[quote][ul type="disc"][li][b]2. PLOT NAME[/b][break]
Description of plot.[/li][/ul][/quote]

[div align="center"][b]if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:[/b][/div]
[ul type="disc"][li][b]1. LEGENDARY[/b][break]
Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site. Helpful questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they developed? How have they been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)? How have they shown weakness versus being high and mighty all the time to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics?[/li][/ul][/quote]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]any notes/comments:[/b] [/li][/ul]
[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]



IF YOUR CHARACTER DOES NOT HAVE A CANON POSITION, but is an AVATAR use the following template below.

[nospaces][blockquote][attr="class","milkyac"] [h1]NON-CANON AVATAR[break]AC TEMPLATE[/h1]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]player/ooc name:[/b] player name [/li]
[li][b]character tags:[/b] @TAG[/li][/ul] [/quote]

[div align="center"][b]4 ic posts for avatar character:[/b][/div]
[div][attr="class","ynospace"][ul type="disc"]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href=""]THREAD[/a][/li][/ul][/quote]

[div align="center"][b]summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:[/b][/div]
[ul type="disc"][li][b]1. LEGENDARY POKEMON NAME HERE[/b][break]
Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site. Guiding questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they developed due to this bond? How have they shown weakness versus being high and mighty all the time to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics? How has the legendary/avatarship been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)? It is encouraged to link threads that demonstrate this.[/li][/ul][/quote]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]any notes/comments:[/b] [/li][/ul]
[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]



there will be no exemptions this canon activity check.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 7:43:26 GMT
mint frost Avatar




  • player/ooc name: kimmy
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:


    I've been diving more into a different aspect of Mint's promotion as Beast. More so, him trying to establish himself as competent and tough enough for the position. To him, I don't think he ever planned to become a Beast, but more so wanted to focus on being useful to Rocket in his own ways. He wanted to become less of a liability as well as be able to compete in the champion challenge in order to further SPECTRA's intel. [break][break]

    Becoming a Beast, while exhilarating at first, has come with its own problems. For one, Mint's insecurity runs high in the position. He's keenly aware he doesn't fit the typical archetype when compared to his fellow Beasts. It's not been enough to him to win gym battles and push himself into danger to protect others. He is constantly working to prove his utility, his adaptability, and strength. Striving to become as skilled and feared as the rest of the Rocket Beasts. The juggling of multiple duties along with insecurity has caused some strife between him and his fellow rockets, particularly , , and most importantly . [break][break]

    wipedown ft [break]
    meet him inside ft [break]
    untangled ft [break]
    disseminate ft [break]
    S.P.E.C.T.R.A. trinity trials [break][break]

    Despite his anxiety and insecurities he's made sure to dedicate himself fully to his new role from helping other Rockets with more gruesome missions, to recruiting people to the field he knows most of: intel. Most if not all operatives he has been working with re being recruited for the express purpose of assisting Rocket's operation planning. And he believes having good intelligence is the first step. [break][break]

    recruitment: [break][break]

    blinded noble ft @gwyn [break]

    standard ops: [break][break]

    he who hunts ft [break]
    it's called: freefall ft [break]
    tera conference [break]
    taken for a ride ft [break]
    clocking in [gym] ft [break]

  • 2. WANNA ENTERTAIN ME?[break]

    While juggling his Rocket Beast duties, Mint has spent a fair amount of time in the field researching and collaborating with the science department for SPECTRA. His focus has gone from how to weaponize KYUREM to how to protect themselves from another onslaught. One attack caused the SILENT ICELANDS to appear, more blasts should it escape HOOPA's realm would be devastating top the region in such a way Rocket would not be able to avoid it if they stayed put. [break][break]

    He has explored everything from energy signatures to vulnerabilities in the ice. Especially, with the appearance of PARADOX pokemon, he's been studying the depth of their power and if it might be enough to even dent the GLACIATE that covers the SILENT ICELANDS. So far he has found no trace or track of HOOPA or KYUREM, but he has confirmed few things. The ice and snow show no signs of weakening, but they are also not worsening. Temperatures are mostly stable. There are no detectable energy fluxuations in the area. While the ice cannot be dented or cracked, with significant effort ice shards can be chipped off and harvested. While incredibly hard to harvest, they put out significant cold energy making them very small, and very efficient cold packs for special organic material in transport. Updates as such that he makes sure to keep upper brass informed of. [break][break]

    nerd vs. prep ( prep wins ) ft [break]
    you know they can't catch me ft [break]
    so let's ride ft [break]
    we like to keep it freezy [break]
    ice cubes on our tongue, ft [break]
    home visit ft [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]

  • any notes/comments: as always ty everybody for writing with me and indulging my panicked 3 am dms as i come to t he realization of something full of brain worms. i really enjoy writing here and hope i can only expand mint's web of relationships hehe <3

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 7:58:38 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. BLIGHT & DECAY[break]
    (TLDR: Elisabeth blights the Petalburg Woods with her newfound powers of Ruination, becoming a menace the League has to deal with.)[break][break]

    The Petalburg Woods used to be a place of solace and sanctuary for Elisabeth. Her little cottage was a place she could hide from the rest of the world and pretend to be the person she secretly always wanted to be. Her ability to care and tend for flowers was the one thing she took pride in as a net positive in the world.[break][break]

    She was still, despite her profession as a poisoner, someone who cared about the nurturing of life.[break][break]

    After Wo-chien's Avatarship, that last bit of goodness has been stripped from her. Like some reverse-Midas, every living thing she touches rots: either physically, like in the case of the woods she once called home, or emotionally, in the case of the resentment and the grudges her touch invokes in other people such as , , , and .[break][break]

    I wanted to heighten this with a dramatization of Elisabeth's inability to control the raging emotions that Wo-chien demands she feel, relentlessly and exhaustingly. This heady initial influx of negativity and grief-stricken bitterness at the world drives Elisabeth to senselessly punish the Petalburg Woods for her own unhappiness with herself. She projects her self-hatred on a place that she used to equate with the best parts of who she is. She decides her feigned florist persona made her weak. She decides all her attempts at trying to be a good person were a pathetic joke, because an unkind world doesn't deserve her kindness.[break][break]

    It's not an act of calculated villainy. It's not strategic. It's nothing but an outpouring of pain, and aching for others to suffer the way that she suffers. Because if people can be happy, it means she is missing something by being so unhappy. Because if she can prove others are as miserable as she is, then her suffering is righteous and has purpose. It is the 'truth,' and everyone else is just pretending otherwise.[break][break]

    But when banishes her from the Petalburg Woods in IMBALANCE, where Rayquaza eradicates her and Wo-chien as pests that upset the world's natural balance, Elisabeth breaks at last under the weight of her unhappiness. This vulnerability carries into the follow-up thread WAXEN WINGS AND BROKEN THINGS, where she unknowingly confides her secret Tapu Fini Avatarship to the worst possible person in the world: , a secret agent for in Rocket.[break][break]

    Resentment and rot are deeply thematically intertwined with one another. In the end, our self-loathing, bitterness, and grudges hurt ourselves most of all, poisoning the things we love and killing our own chances for happiness.

    Relevant Threads:[break]
    - We Who Curse the Earth with [break]
    - Farewell to Fiorelli Floristry! with League Chars[break]
    - In the Garden of Original Sin with [break]
    - I Hope You Find Some Peace of Mind with and [break]
    - Roots of the Jubokko Tree with and [break]
    - Innocence Lost with and [break]
    - The Florist with [break]
    - Ill-Met by Moonlight with [break]
    - Chthonic Gods with [break]
    - Whither Do You Wander with [break]
    - Lost Woods with [break]
    - Imbalance with [break]
    - Waxen Wings & Broken Things with and [break]
    - HNN - Volume 7, Issue 3 ("Blight Descends Upon Petalburg Woods")

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. WO-CHIEN[break][break]

    a. Plaything of the Gods[break]
    Self-indulgently, I wrote Wo-chien's Avatarship thread like a curse in a fairy tale: she's now bound to a demon that thrives and feeds on her self-loathing, resentment, and misery in order to survive. It's a parasitic, twisted and toxic Avatarship, one that is reviled by anyone who remotely cares about Elisabeth at all. It is an entity that views her as closer to a battery source than a person; happiness, love, and contentment are directly in opposition to the wellsprings from which grudges grow.[break][break]

    When I use ochre text to write as Elisa, it's to indicate when she's highly influenced by the negativity of Wo-chien. Think of it like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. They're both two sides of the same person, but one is an amalgamation of the worst parts of their personality, aggravated to extremes.[break][break]

    Elisabeth's past as a florist plays well with how Wo-chien withers and rots the world around it, and I get to play with that pathetic fallacy with her powers as the Scorned. Her twisted emotional state destroys everything around her, but destroys herself most of all. She doesn't control Wo-chien, but Wo-chien very much wants to control her. And on some subconscious level, that suspicion terrifies her.[break][break]

    b. I'm the Problem, it's Me[break]
    Villains! All conflict needs them. Wo-chien gave me the excuse I needed to throw away the mask of Elisabeth's mild-mannered florist persona, blow up the flower shop, and embrace the infamy of being a known threat in Rocket. Sending sneaky flowers announcing Elisa's 'change' was my way of ICly signaling to the Leaguers 'something's rotten in the Petalburg Woods.'[break][break]

    The blight plot in Petalburg invited a lot of fun things! Rangers like and could be concerned at the wrongness of nature. Investigative (or nosy) characters like , , and could use their detective skills to figure out her secrets. And Councilwoman finally got to get the dirt she wanted on the woman she knew was no-good, exposing her to the League once and for all.[break][break]

    I try to scale my villainy based on who I'm writing with. Often using the 'resentment' of Elisabeth's touch-based powers can invite the opportunity for writers to explore what deep-seated grudges their characters have ICly, creating fun internal conflict. Other times, like against and Rayquaza or a Necrozma-blessed , it's an excuse for an all-out brawl between titans. I've chosen to go ALL OUT on what the League knows, so that I can be a visible IC antagonist in raids and site events, as well as a problematic component of Ruination.[break][break]

    c. The Goodbye Galar Experiment[break]
    I used the decades of Goodbye Galar to highlight extremes of Wo-chien's influence over Elisa. In the first decade, I let her descend into madness and misery, leaning fully into all that Wo-chien asked her to be. In the second decade, I showed how its influence over her isn't all-encompassing, and that the antidote to her self-imposed hardship is in fact patience, understanding, and a love she's afraid to let herself accept. It's always easier to destroy something, than to heal what's broken.[break][break]

    So what does this mean for the modern day, as Elisabeth's journey continues onwards? How powerful will Wo-chien's influence over her be -- or will glimpses of the woman underneath that resentment resurface once more?[break][break]

    (PS: I summarize this plot best in the Garden thread below from Wo-chien's POV.)[break][break]
    - Elisabeth's Garden (Goodbye Galar: Rusted Shield)[break]
    - Goodbye Galar: Rusted Shield: X & X & X & X[break]
    - The Witch & the King with [break]
    - The Witch & the Paladin with [break]
    - The Witch & the Monster with [break]
    - The Witch & the Spectral Rider with [break]
    - Seek and Ye Shall Find with [break]
    - Fallen Angels with [break]
    - Court Intrigue with [break]

  • 2. TAPU FINI[break][break]

    a. Plaything of the Gods[break]
    Tapu Fini's Avatarship is unique in that I don't write this character at all -- does, as a DM. So I write Elisabeth as being completely in the dark on what this deity wants from her, ICly viewing theirs as a mercenary bond where they are tethered to one another by their mutual goals. More and more, as time goes on, Elisa realizes she isn't sure what Tapu Fini wants from her, or from -- who she first thought they were on a mutual quest to ruin. Their goals may not be aligned, but one thing is clear: of the two of them, Tapu Fini is the one with the power in this dynamic.[break][break]

    It's a much subtler presence than Wo-chien, allowing it to go unnoticed. I write it as a surprisingly calming presence to Elisabeth, who used to fear the deity greatly. Instead, she finds that Tapu Fini clears her head of the haze that Wo-chien forces her to live in, which I explore in my garden thread here.[break][break]

    b. Misty Business[break]
    Elisabeth wants to keep her Avatarship with Tapu Fini a secret, but I don't. Many, many characters have been affected by and his previous Tapu Fini Avatarship. I knew when I got this hook I wanted to reach out to Crow and Noodles to write with , , and to follow-up on those existing stories. Spiral DM'd as Tapu Fini when I asked nicely.[break][break]

    beautifully explores her complicated relationship to and Tapu Fini in Treacherous Waves. realizes that Tapu Fini is alive in Waxen Wings & Broken Things, and fears what that means for her child, Mewtwo. will soon face a choice in Devil Make a Deal: to do the honorable thing, or to get the karmic revenge on his enemy he wants. We also have new stories we can explore, such as Tapu Fini's relationship to Tapu Koko in Guarded Waters with .[break][break]

    Notably, Elisabeth still doesn't understand what the mist that Tapu Fini gives her lets her do, and she's still haunted by the gaslighting that she heard from in Rondez-view of Luv -- enough so that those words echo in her explanation to of what her mist has done to him in When All Other Lights Go Out. Is it something that forces a state of mind on someone else? Or is it, in fact, a way of 'opening the heart' of others to see past their repressed natures? [break][break]

    Hypocritically, she uses events like Goodbye Galar: Rusted Shield and the torturing of captive Rockets like in Iron Maiden to try and solve this mystery for herself: making her as evil as the man she turned against a year ago, for precisely this very reason.[break][break]

    c. Vendetta[break]
    What happens when you are driven by a rage fed by hate for a dead man, and you have no outlet for that pain and misery? What happens when the grudges of one god are fed by the spite and vindictiveness of another? Sometimes you project on the closest thing you can find to blame for your unhappiness.[break][break]

    All power has a cost, however, and an act of vengeance cuts both ways. See you in December, fam.[break][break]

    - Plenilune with [break]
    - Elisabeth's Garden (Sootopolis)[break]
    - When All Other Lights Go Out with [break]
    - Waxen Wings & Broken Things with and [break]
    - Iron Maiden with [break]
    - The Witch & the Spectral Rider with [break]
    - Guarded Waters with and [break]
    - Devil Make a Deal with [break]
    - Treacherous Waves with and [break]
    - Le Lethe with [break][break]

  • any notes/comments: Honestly this has been my favorite arc for Elisabeth so far, and it took every shred of self-control to avoid rambling to make this thing 5x as long as it already is. BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has threaded with me in the Snail Era, and to everyone who is kind enough to indulge my little dramatic scenes. Special thanks to Dove, Spiral, Crow, and Noodles this period, who are letting me build up to some story beats I'm very, very, very excited to explore in this next arc.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
part of
TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:04:24 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar





4 ic posts for avatar character:


summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LATIOS[break][break]

    i. beginnings [break]
    Since the last canon activity check which began in conjunction to receiving his avatar status, I’ve kicked off exploring the first steps in this new part of Angelo’s story.[break][break]

    Receiving avatarship has also given Angelo the push to officially join the League proper after two and a half years of standing on neutral/League-leaning ground. His reason for joining the Aqua Initiative is being, and will continue to be, explored in his meeting with (Flight).[break][break]

    He also explored some of his abilities and began practical training alongside , in Shadow Sneak.[break][break]

    ii. connections[break]
    Not all abilities are easy to master. For Angelo, its the mental connection he shares with other characters on the site, that can sometimes activate beyond his control. Examples of this have been in Safe Harbour with , who’s pain could be acutely felt due to their close bond despite being separate in the Deep Sea and with in Cross-eyed Strangers, whom he’d grown close to in Goodbye Galar, causing him to seek her out in the Tera Caverns. [break][break]

    Goodbye Galar has given some interesting dynamics to play with here. I’ve taken the narrative decision for the strength of these relationships he’d forged over the twenty years to remain in these connections, even when memory becomes unreliable. Acquaintances from before have become close, like in the case of , and while he finds himself feeling strangely drawn to strangers and , two Rocket characters. I’m excited to explore how the opposing allegiances of the latter two may lead to inner conflict and complicate things for Angelo, now these people he associates as ‘family’ are classed as ‘enemies’ in the faction war. [break][break]

    Recently, the sudden appearance of intense emotions has guided Angelo to Sootopolis where he finds and in the middle of escaping imprisonment at the hands of Team Rocket (Immortal Hate).


    iii. endings[break]
    Latios’s gift of avatarship came attached with the warning of an approaching, unknown calamity and a wish to protect the pilot so Angelo survives it - for the Eon pokemon fears that he will not. [break][break]

    Due to their close psychic bond, not only is Angelo aware that something is coming but also that Latios is afraid for him. His resolve to make sure he protects the life that he has built for himself and his loved ones from this unseen threat starts back at the beginning, at postdormitum’s finale. [break][break]

    Not knowing where the source lies has started to influence his decisions. For example in An Aqua Assembly, he votes in favour of installing volatile artificial, dynamax power spots around Hoenn and supports the attack on Sootopolis despite the potential for collateral damage. If he doesn’t know where the calamity begins, he’ll just have to tick off the list of potential catalysts one by one. [break][break]

    He’s also decided to risk revealing his permanently dynamaxed roggenrola to head professor , with the hopes of further advancing dynamax, despite an earlier desire to keep Chip secret so as not to potentially lose a valuable asset.[break][break]

    Peeks of this slowly building pressure has begun to infect his daily life as seen in beach house with and a recent moment in the space time distortion. He is also pushing to further collect the Victini soul wisps in the hopes it will grant him victory in the calamity, as seen here with and briefly mentioned here with . [break][break]

    Threats are starting to lurk within every shadow, time ticking down, and soon, it may begin to overwhelm him. [break][break]

    (hoping to give a little more introspection with angelo/latios next activity check but their soulbroship is still going strong after the last few years spent together prior to avatarship.)

  • any notes/comments: HALT! just wanted to remind u ur cool. (:

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:14:42 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. FUNTASIA[break]
    Ever since Johanna's defection and becoming a Gym Leader, an overarching theme with Johanna has been repentance. Her desire to give back to the world for all the perceived harm she did as a grunt (Even if it wasn't a whole lot) In August, this theme has been explored through the Funtasia event, as can be seen in the various threads she has partaken in during this event.
    Alongside this theme, is the showcasing of just how much effort she's put into this, as can be seen in how she is running herself ragged with work for and during this event, only taking momentary pauses whenever she stumbles upon another PC.

    - Reach for the stars ft. [break]
    - Cowgirl ft. [break]
    - The Fruits of Hardwork ft. [break]
    - Beast-Go-Around ft. [break]
    - All work and no play ft. [break]
    - Smiles ft. [break] [break]

  • 2. SELF IMPROVEMENT[break]
    As a Gym Leader she is constantly seeking ways to improve herself and the trainers around her as seen in. Either it be through taking on gym challengers or it is taking on other gym leaders as seen in.[break][break]

    - Choreomania ft. [break]
    - Change ft. [break]
    - Joy of Battle ft. [break]
    - Joy of Battle pt 2 ft. [break]

    But Self improvement is also a path that has taken her into the Wild rifts many a time, were she seeks to acquire Ultra Beasts befitting the types of Ghost, Poison and Dark. After all, she can't well call herself a specialist of those types if she does not own all of them, right?
    [break] [break]
    - Ultra Deep Sea: NEJ #2 ft & [break]
    - Lesser Megalopolis: MJ ft. [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]
    Johanna does not have any Legendary Pokemon. But, I would personally like for her to make contact with Legendary Pokemon of the Ghost, Poison, Dark types. As such I have plans for her to partake in the Ultra Crater prompts later. And should anyone else with Legendary Pokemon of those types like to thread, let me know? She gotta befriend all the spooky scary ghosties.

  • any notes/comments: Shiv is, as always, providing an awesome Roleplaying environment, and definitely deserve more praise than we usually give him!

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:14:48 GMT
Callan Young Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. Development of Teravolt & the Hoenn Music Industry[break]
    Currently under progress is the expansion and inclusion of Teravolt into being a large record label. Having signed as an artist with @ciprina, & in the progress.

  • 2. Development of a PMC Company[break]
    Originally I had planned for there to be developed alongside Teravolt the PMC company to be made with and . However, given the sudden changes in life circumstances, I decided to not continue this plotline.

  • 3. Ongoing E4 Duties[break]
    Including advisory role in AQUA Assembly, continued activity in battles and on interviews.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]

  • any notes/comments: I've experienced a dip in activity in the later weeks of August due to burn out and family loss. However, my activity level remains relatively high throughout with 29 IC posts in the month.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:27:23 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar





4 ic posts for avatar character:


summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. ZEKROM[break]
    is currently in an era where his IDEALS, shattered by his misconceptions about TEAM ROCKET, are being reevaluated and tested by the LEAGUE (such as in PENANCE) and by himself as he rebuilds. This is reflected in ZEKROM's current condition, which he has explored with in EX-DIM PLASMA as it comes to its conclusion. With both Remiel and ZEKROM at an all-time low, and with more trials to come, I intend to use the groundwork I'm setting up here as a means of building them (and the understanding of their 'IDEAL' world) up into something new.[break][break]

    Under the purview of the LEAGUE, and with a strong determination for Remiel to atone for his crimes, I expect this newfound goal between AVATAR and LEGENDARY to expand even further than before and encompass like-minded individuals while stirring up bad blood with TEAM ROCKET and perhaps even the DRK TRIAD. As a means of gradually introducing this concept, I've included ZEKROM in various threads (such as FULGUR with ) to explore these goals, establish relationships with interested parties, and draw inspiration from our collaborations all the while. After leaving TEAM ROCKET his pursuit of a 'perfect world' will be considerably less selfish than it was before and he's starting to reflect that.[break][break]

    I've used the relationship between ZEKROM and Remiel in threads (such as GOLDEN HOUR with ) as well to bridge a connection and an understanding between himself and other characters/entities. Having had his life turned upside-down with his defection, and endured the traumas of GOODBYE GALAR alongside ZEKROM, Remiel is admittedly struggling. But the perseverance shown to embody the values of his AVATARSHIP adds weight to the character growth I wish to display. Rather than pursue the grand IDEALS of changing HOENN or the LEAGUE or TEAM ROCKET from within, his most recent experiences have taught him that he must first change himself and embody those IDEALS consistently.[break][break]

  • any notes/comments: happy canon ac check! i was honestly hoping to do more this summer but between two separate vacations and work it's been kinda wild! as always I'm open to brainstorming with anyone who wants to reach out and collab though! thank u all for the opportunities and interactions so far tho. i love writing here and i love u guys ♥

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:35:14 GMT






4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:


    hoenn continues to see steady immigration from those fascinated with the tremulous region. as a council member who represents hoenn’s domestic interest, a lot of plots involving foreign characters revolve around their inclusion and ultimately intrusion. [break][break]

    he serves as a heavy arm to remind characters that hoenn will hardly align with their expectations. whether they’re representing another entity (company, region), came in relation to him, or are looking to change the league at large, they must pay their dues to those that came before them.


    relevant threads:

  • 2. BEST AND BRIGHTEST[break]

    fernando’s other role as council man is to head the SCIENCE DEPARTMENT. this involves administration duties that supplement their work. he can also serve as a point of contact in allocating resources or pointing others in the right direction. [break][break]

    this also applies to DEVON CORP and SILPH CO. as another route for characters unrelated to the league.


    relevant threads:

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. COMPROMISED[break]

    fernando still represents the first modern case of a human losing avatar status due to a legendary pokemon’s death*. character development wise, it highlights two key points:


    • legendary pokemon are not all powerful. being an avatar does not make you invincible.

    • once you become an avatar, how much does it define you? who do you become when it is taken away?


    both are points fernando has repeated to others and used as a word of caution. we can see this in how the way it shapes the viewpoints of characters who are involved or seeking such partnerships, such as and .


  • any notes/comments: [break]

    all members of the ELITE FOUR have proven their battle competency to in person, via reports, or other ic means. therefore, we are awarding the SILPH BADGE as the only current ELITE FOUR member without it.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:43:13 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    While by no means the only cog in the machine of Wanderer's wonderful arc for , Cillian's been heavily involved. Though their arc spans for several months, most recently Cillian attempted to bring Isaac back into Rocket's fold in The Beginning of the End. It showcases how ruthless and chilling Cillian can be while still thinking he's being merciful, and it served its purpose in driving a wedge further between Isaac and Rocket. That culminates in the still in-progress thread, The End of the Beginning, where Cillian very sincerely tries to murder Isaac in cold blood.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]

    As referenced above, a large part of Cillian's narrative is being the villain in the stories of others. I am to accomplish this with the aid of his avatarship through an illusion of unmatched strength and terror, though past events (especially Postdormitum) have shown that his untouchable veneer is just that. Stripped of his strengths or forced to rely on himself alone, he has suffered defeat at the hands of others more than once. Though he certainly acts with outward arrogance, the main driving force behind Cillian Quinn is fear. I like to think that Lugia helps balance out his weaknesses and shores up his strengths, while leaving cracks enough in that armour to be exploited where the plot demands.

  • any notes/comments: Thank you, Hoenn, for letting me play out some of the most fulfilling villain plots I've ever written. Cillian and I wouldn't be the same without you.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:55:07 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    Now that cousin dearest is back safe from the hands of Rocket’s clutches, he’s started to notice changes happening to her—back then, there was this optimistic flame that burned so bright in her gaze. Right now, though?[break][break]

    After what she’d been subject to and him finding out what exactly happened to her while she was in Rocket’s clutches at the cost of freedom he’s come to realize something ugly as well: despite having several high-profile targets captured by Team Rocket, the League in general had not mounted a rescue effort; in fact the rescue effort that broke her out was done thanks to , , , ’s efforts along with his own.[break][break]

    Why would the League abandon people to Rocket? Especially if they were in a position of power?[break][break]

    His conversation with Navy in regroup makes him mull over just how and why the League chooses to operate the way they do.[break][break]

    (It’s also giving him second thoughts about remaining in the position he has, however if he would leave then that would put the rest of the Rangers at the mercy of the proverbial Lycanroc.)

    Right now, he’s overseeing ’s training for her to ascend to the position of Ranger Captain of Rustboro after observing her handle the situation that broke out in Petalburg Woods thanks to ’s indirect involvement with withering the land and poisoning it (as shown in ruinous recovery) therefore making the place ‘uninhabitable’ in a way; because what else does a Ranger do but solve nature-related problems?[break][break]

    (Now since the problem is potentially avatar-related that’s going to get real crazy moving forward.)[break][break]

    Between the three Heads (himself, and ) setting out a series of challenges for Shalin to overcome (we talked about this through Discord), it is through completing these challenges, and observing how she handles herself, that would determine their decision in allowing her to take the reins of being Rustboro’s Ranger Captain down the road (this is due to proximity to Petalburg Woods where Shalin’s ‘base of operations’ is located).[break][break]

    Among other things, he’s also taking part in the Extraction series, which involves the League-aligned characters finding resources in the Ultra Deep Sea (but not without disastrous mental-related consequences): josh, shalin, ollie, elinor, with more on the way.[break][break]

    He also made it a point to bring up (albeit indirectly) what’s going in in the Ultra Deep Sea during AAPT4; however with the way the energies affect those mining in the Ultra Deep Sea, would it be too late for everyone to back out before they get in way over their heads?

    As he’d mentioned to during his battle for the Knockout Badge, the main reason Lars is still at this (despite being Head Ranger) is due to the fact that he wants to continue testing himself.[break][break]

    While taking the champion Assessment is not in the cards (for now), the disastrous results of Lars’s challenge for ’s Quick Badge shows that there is something definitely wrong between him and his patron deity (tying in to his not-so-little personal problem).[break][break]

    On the flip side of things, with the newly-opened Tagteam Badge’s gym headed by , him and are coming and ready to bring the house down![break][break]

    At the same time, though, he would notice that unlike before when cousin dearest would readily fling herself at the nearest Gym to get a badge, something is definitely amiss with her.[break][break]

    (This, by the way, is related to what she’s going through after being rescued.)[break][break]

    The other gyms are also on his to-go list: ’s and ’s, however those would be done at a later date (as I already have a character taking both of their respective Gym challenges.)

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • LARS & ARTICUNO[break]
    The Copperajah is still in the room, however with AAPT4 currently going on and Lars himself revealing to everyone assembled that there is something wrong with his connection with the Iceborne Mirage, things are about to come to a head.[break][break]

    Never mind if he’s tried negotiation (with in another try) and brute-forcing his way through (see previous attempt with ), he’s going to be the region’s most stubborn idiota and still try to force his way through.[break][break]

    He’s also gone to the Border with and in an attempt to find answers by searching for the so-called spirit of ‘Moltres’ running around the place and hopefully engaging it in a fight. He needs answers, after all.[break][break]

    The moment he’d dropped the actual bomb by confirmation in AAPT4, an ugly realization developed—if the instance where their connection was severed involved getting into an extremely dire situation, wouldn’t that also be the answer to lure them out and have them return?[break][break]

    (As it is, at the end of Meteno, snarky here took a Glaciate to the face and almost died. What if the answer involves Lars himself almost getting killed?)

  • any notes/comments: hilariously the last time the canon AC came around it was Alex I was worried for that didn’t have substantial content, however the see-saw is a really wacky place since now it’s Lars who’s on that end. The cycle continues between them (well, Alex was in GG but Lars was part of the ‘rescue bust out’ and he has some personal issues right now so there’s that too) however as Thanos once said, “all things are balanced as they should be”.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 8:55:51 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar




  • player/ooc name: Solo
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    Being immortal is hard, it's even harder when your boss is forcing you to act as the energizer bunny for all their tech. Upon gaining the position of 'Probationary Head Scientist' from Amor started to sift through everything. Upon discovering 's unique predicament, Amor offered him to find a substitute. So Amor is currently using his new position to research the ties between Avatars, and their Legends in an attempt to keep this promise, but also to use whatever he finds to heal 's Mesprit as well, as the Volcanion in Mechanical Kingdom. And it all starts with Flowers for Xerneas

    A very long time ago, Amor lost his family, and he had no idea who, or what would do such a thing. This would cause him to leave Sinnoh, and go to Kalos to stay with family there, and begin his training under Walter. For years he tried to figure out why his parents would die, and it would only be when he came to Hoenn that he got answers. When the same man with no tongue tried to kill him in his own grounds. After, Amor 'disposed' of the man, he would find a picture of one on the mans person. Desperate for answers he sought her out to no avail, until recently where he was able to track her down. However she eluded him, but he found her again, and thus the answers to questions he wants to know are within grasp. And he gets to figure out how the girl, and her family are intertwined with his own. Hide, and Seek is the most recent of the threads in this saga, but it started with Catharsis in the Gardenand Amor finally found once again in Photograph!

  • 3. CHEERING UP A FRIEND[break]
    Amor has very few friends in this world, at least few that he would consider real friends. So when he went to go check up on one of those people, and saw them in not the best of states, he wants to try, and cheer them up. After being kidnapped, and tortured by Rocket, also lost her councilwoman position. And as one of the few League members that knows of his status as a Rocket, Amor takes exception to this, and simply wants to cheer her up. And perhaps he can put the charm that claimed he had to use, and convince her to leave the League, and join Rocket. Just to rub more Salt in the Wound for the League.

  • 4. A LOYAL KNIGHT[break]
    This is simply a future plot that I have planned out with . When Amor visited the Mechanical Kingdom he met the Volcanion there that was searching for it's lost Princess, and something about that resonated with him. As a man who has also lost important people to himself. Watching this pokemon give up it's own life to try, and resurrect it's Princess hit a little to close to home. Amor thinking no one else will care enough to save it, has endeavored to go back to the Mechanical Kingdom to try, and restore it as much as he can to make sure it doesn't burn out before it can see the one it wants. He is bringing with him since she has asked him to research the ability to transfer infinity energy from source to another, and what better way to research than to watch it live!

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]

  • any notes/comments: I hope....I did a good job....

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 11:34:38 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    Normally, Zev is a difficult character to showcase at an emotional level due to his sociopathy. However, I am absolutely blessed with three wonderful writing partners: Nellethiel, Wanderer, and Laika Boss. Through writing Zev with their characters , , and , I have been able to explore how he deals with themes of family, loss, change, and acceptance.[break][break]

    I have written extensively in past canon ACs about Zev's relationship with his younger brother, . Since the most recent AC, I have been able to explore Zev's feelings about the encounter between them that took place during Postdormitum—in particular, how Zev feels that Caleb has betrayed him and the fundamental sacredness of their brotherhood. Through these threads, I am able to show the extent of Zev's mental illness and manipulative behavior.[break][break]

    Less important to Zev, but still significant in terms of his ongoing narrative, is his relationship with . Over the past year, Wanderer and I have worked on a compelling story arc between the two men, starting them in an unexpected mentor/student relationship.[break][break]

    But as Isaac started to lose faith and trust in Team Rocket, so too did he start to lose faith and trust in Zev. His loyalty wavered the more he saw beneath Zev's mask. And now, during Isaac's defection arc, they finally reveal their true natures to each other in a fantastic clash of personalities and ideals.[break][break]

    Contrasting these losses is what Zev gains through his relationship with . You see, Zev and Caleb lost each other because the two men were unable to provide what each other wanted. In Zev's case, all he has wanted since childhood was for someone to understand him, to not judge him for what he is, and to never force him to try and love the way he can't. And against all expectations, Nenet is the exact person who provides all those things.[break][break]

    Nenet loves him, but does not demand love from him. She understands his work-oriented nature because she is the same. She is practical, professional, efficient, intelligent—all qualities Zev appreciates and respects in others. And most importantly, she does not judge him for his sociopathy. Instead, she merely accepts it as a fact of his life and their relationship, and adjusts her expectations accordingly.[break][break]

    Nenet chooses Zev by proposing marriage. Only Caleb had ever chosen Zev over all other relationships he could have had, and now Caleb finally made a different choice. These two actions, taken by Nenet and Caleb in parallel, cement Nenet as Zev's new family, allowing him to replace Caleb, the only family he previously thought he had.[break][break]

    P.S. I am including all the key threads of the entire arc with Nenet here, even threads from last year, to give a more complete picture of the arc's progression into the present timeline.[break][break]


if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. NECROZMA[break]
    Zev being blessed by Necrozma has allowed me to write him as even more of a villain in stories across the site. Not only is he a greater threat and antagonist toward members of the League, but he has caused tension and conflict within Team Rocket itself. His colleagues do not trust that he can fully control his powers or Necrozma, and the coolly professional relationship he had with has been totally destroyed by their Avatarship-fueled ego clash.[break][break]

    Unlike other Avatars, Zev only has a couple of abilities, and he also has no idea where his patron is. I am taking advantage of this unique circumstance to try and weave a narrative surrounding Zev and his future relationship with Necrozma that defies any and all of his expectations.[break][break]

    As a character, Zev believes he is (1) always correct, and (2) immortal. I try to write out his arrogance in subtle ways, as well as how he is wrong. For example, even though his crystal armor essentially makes him unkillable, I am careful to show that he does not have super strength, enhanced endurance, or any healing capabilities. He can also be bested in battle through tactics and numbers.[break][break]

    I also write Zev being confident that he can control Necrozma like other Pokémon as foreshadowing for a future where he will absolutely not be able to control it. I anticipate that finally bonding with Necrozma through a full Avatarship will be a totally harrowing experience, and Zev will have to deal with the ego and demands of a nearly incomprehensible, alien lifeform.[break][break]

    Through this, I want to show that Pokémon like Necrozma (and Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Arceus, etc.) are well out of the bounds of understanding of humans, and that to deal with them is to deal with gods themselves.

  • any notes/comments: I did this in two hours in a manic episode and now I remember nothing. jk actually but SHIV THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me the space and tools to write such fun stories. I'm going to pass out now.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 11:48:55 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar




4 ic posts for avatar character:


summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. TAPU LELE[break]
    Uuuh, what follows is an stream of consciousness of everything I think might be relevant cause I can't seem to get my thoughts in order.
    Doug's fully dedicated to his white mage role now. :pepechu: After 20 years in Galar, he has become a proper healer and finds even more difficulty than before in the prospect of having to kill people. This as well as his attempts to transition from a soldier capable of healing to medic capable of fighting is being explored with (LEAVE ft. ). His preferred method of helping Hoenn right now is to treat the injuries and ills affecting its people, and to bring attention to the systemic issues that affect the citizens (STRAYS ft. ).
    Tapu Lele is the only reason he ever took on the role of healer, as the abilities she granted him gave him the confidence to start himself on a path to become something he would've otherwise thought himself too stupid to even attempt (GOODBYE GALAR).
    The crisis created by the juxtaposition between those abilities and his complete lack true medical knowledge were what led to his efforts to become a proper physician. (GOODBYE GALAR, Year 3.
    Where their relationship used to be hard to pin down prior to Galar, 20 years has allowed the two to build some rapport (GOODBYE GALAR, first, second and last segments). Though on the surface level it seems similar to how it was before, there's no apprehension or irritation on Doug's part when Lele turns up— only happiness and relief (AAA4).
    Doug is not a perfect representative of Lele's seemingly chaotic values, and while he is slightly more theathric and unhinged after Galar, he's still not what anyone would define as 'cruel'. Instead, he's become more of an ambassador and translator, serving as her interface with a race that is just as nonsensical to her as she used to be to him. Not... always effectively (AAA4).
    As for combat, Doug has not been involved in any battle since returning to galar (yet... AAA4 coming SOON), but:
    For a good while, Doug's avatar abilities got to his head. In the lead up to Goodbye Galar, having suffered a number of grievous injuries and survived in his formative months as an avatar, and a number of recent successes during the meteno incident, Doug really thought he was him for a while there, leading to increasingly careless and reckless approaches to battle and handling rocket, with Post-Dormitum demonstrating the full extent of this when he was manhandled and used as a pincushion by rocket rookies and , burned alive by , and stabbed in a back-alley by after the Battle at Dewford had already concluded.
    He was sort of relearning to be less reckless at the beginning of the Goodbye Galar raid, getting used to being a more proactive assist (GOODBYE GALAR, ROUND 1), attempting to make use of Lele's abilities to heal Zamacenta and nearby allies mid-battle instead of simply thinking of them as his get out of jail free card. (GOODBYE GALAR, ROUND 2)
    I think Doug is the only avatar that has volunteered himself as a labrat in order to assist the league's Professors and research on avatars. (Lab Rats)
    Though it hasn't happened quite yet, Wanderer and I are currently setting up the relationship between Doug and Isaac (festivities for everyone, update) in the lead up to his exit from team rocket; Doug has special interest in Isaac's missing eye.
    Similarly, I've been plotting over DMs with Nellethiel regarding 's rescue and Doug's involvement in the aftermath. Both of these would be related to his abilities as Lele's avatar to heal grievous injuries in a rush. [break][break]
    Caleb and Isaac recieve the treatment they desperately need after facing off with the most vengeful side of rocket, and Doug gets to finally attempt the regenerating surgical procedure he theorized up back in Galar, and for which he's been gathering bits and pieces of data while on his bike trip. (Night Life Fever, ft. , entire thread; Stars above, ft. , second page onwards)
    Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site. Guiding questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they developed due to this bond? How have they shown weakness versus being high and mighty all the time to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics? How has the legendary/avatarship been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)? It is encouraged to link threads that demonstrate this.
  • any notes/comments: HEEHOO TIME TO WRITE

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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
1,740 posts
lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 13:19:46 GMT
lam logan Avatar




  • player/ooc name: lou
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    Lam is settling into his new routine as Lilycove’s most recent gym leader. As he opened up shop, the first battles have begun, inviting several different figures from Hoenn’s cast, of varying degrees of rank and background. To Lam, competitive battle is held in a different regard from combat in the real world. There’s a certain joy found in the spirit of battling—particularly the shared fun and companionship that comes when teaming up with someone you know. The camaraderie that comes with double matches is important, and though the parameters are structured, there is a lesson to be learned in understanding how to play to your battle partner’s strengths, even when the individual might be unfamiliar with who they are lumped with. So while his aim is to promote enjoyable battling, there is still an educational angle for real time combat about flexibility and strategy, and the willingness to help one’s fellow man.[break][break]

    This was a position was waffled on for a bit! Finally taking the leap after a year of membership has been fun, though, and I genuinely enjoy the battles I’ve been able to write with Lam as both a challenger and now as the one being challenged. His rise to the position has been marked by encouragement from multiple parties, in the threads listed below. And influenced by the interactions shared with his short term superior, , during VERY BRIEF stint as a gym trainer at Rustboro. And that friendliness continues as others rise to bolster him, such as once his gym officially opened.[break][break]

    relevant threads:[break]
    - THUNDER CLATTER w. [break]
    - MACAW w. [break]
    - BAD BOY - PREP REMIX w. [break]
    - TAKE THE DIVE w. [break]
    - FROM ONE BIRD TO ANOTHER w. [break][break]

    ongoing gym challenges:[break]

    - WE KNEW EACH OTHER ONCE w. + [break]
    - CLOCKING IN w. + [break]
    - TAG TEAM w. + [break]
    - DOUBLE TROUBLE w. + [break]

  • 2. PLACEMAKING[break]

    Until recently, Lam has lived a generally peaceful, steady life. It was his move to Hoenn and consequential dissatisfaction in his job to push him toward the path of being a trainer, and from there on a now-gym leader. In the process, doing so allowed him the opportunity to fall further into the rabbit hole of Hoenn’s regional conflicts. Even then, though, his routine remained uninterrupted and easygoing—something that befits his laidback nature. It wasn’t until a volunteering opportunity to assist in the Ultradeep Sea that he was really uprooted, and forced to evaluate the conflict that exists between the League and Rocket, despite the warnings provided by , who has served as a bit of mentor figure despite the turbulence that comes with the Elite Four’s fluctuating nature.[break][break]

    Though he’d visited the Deep Sea once before on a more casual expedition, it is the marked loss of his quaquaval at the hands of ’s shadow gardevoir that spurred the onset of panic and wariness around the place. The gruesome and violet act left an imprint in his mind, and sparked a temporary retreat from Hoenn, taking him out of the region for a short spell to Sinnoh with , around the time of Goodbye Galar. It wasn’t until they returned that he grew more serious about his improvement, and pursued a renewed desire to work through the fears he’s developed. Repeated travels for extraction have been a method for this (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as well as the effort to interact with more prominent figures of Hoenn’s population— ranging from elite four to head scientists to aqua-maintained legendaries.[break][break]

    In spite of this, though, there is an internal conflict between valuing personal space and excessive duty that falls on his shoulders now even more as he moves into the position of Lilycove’s gym leader and pseudo-protector. Interactions with , and allow him to remember who he is now, and the importance of maintaining some boundaries in his life for the sake of his relationships, and how to strengthen them without doing so alone. Reconnecting with the likes of reminds him of who he used to be when he was younger, and how he’d like to reclaim it. On the other hand, particular battles and encounters, such as his ongoing encounters with and the war-emulating gym match against challenge his perspectives and tempt the idea of falling full tilt into something beyond his depth. Stay tuned for further pushes in this direction from the council’s .[break][break]

    He’s never aspired to much, he’s always been just Lam, and he’s been happy for that. His perspectives on gym battling are those of education and civic duty more than becoming a stand in cadet. The more he interacts with the upper echelons of the League and the more he faces potential (sometimes unprovoked) conflict from Rocket, though, the more uncertain he’s bound to grow. How he will find his footing in an unsteady arena is uncertain. Maybe it’ll break him beyond repair, maybe he’ll find his way without losing himself in the process. Who’s to say?

    relevant threads:[break]

    - LEFT HAND FREE w. [break]
    - WHAT DREAMS MAY COME [break]
    - OBLIVIONS. w. [break]
    - NEW GOLD w. [break]
    - TIME'S BLUR w. [break]
    - WHATOTTER YOU DOING w. [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]

  • any notes/comments: baby’s first gym lead ac uwu

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harper beck
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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 13:23:43 GMT
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4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. FERN + PIGEON POWER HOUR[break]
    Admittedly, a fair deal of Fern’s attention has gone to the new development that comes in the form of their attachment to the shiny Tapu Koko uncovered during an exploration in Lesser Megalopolis. Since then, Fern has been chaotically navigating avatarship with a creature as fickle as they are. Having been separated from Tapu Koko during the extent of Goodby Galar, and with the nature od the dream resulting a reversal of learned skills, Fern has very little control over their abilities gifted from their patron. This is made evident in the havoc they unintentionally cause among the few they chose to share the information with outside of the initial exploration group (, , .)[break][break]

    Their quiet stems from an inability to decide on how they feel about the nature of the connection and how the bond reduces a degree of their autonomy, though ultimately, as discovered in an encounter with , the draw between tapus will cause revelations whether they are wanted or not. One of the few to now hold knowledge of tapu fini’s state and connection to the underboss strikes Fern with a curiosity—what connects the tapus, and are there true kin to the one they have become avatar to?[break][break]

    As they progress, Fern aims to decide whether or not the shared desire to look after one another despite bickering in their strange way is a genuine thing, or only a result of the bond shared. As referred to in the Disseminate meeting, they are hoping to find answers to tapu koko’s existence in the Megalopolan city as well as grapple with the nature of their abilities and how koko’s influence affects some of the more erratic aspects of their nature. Now that tapu koko’s connection to Fern has been fully realized to Rocket upper brass as a result of Disseminate II, going forward I’m aiming to expand this through some unruly league conflict as well as exploration and studies with rocket personnel and science division members.[break][break]

    relevant threads:[break]
    - LESSER MEGALOPOLIS: CTFC w. , , [break]
    - BITE THE LIGHTNING w. [break]
    - VIOLET LIGHTNING w. [break]
    - GUARDED WATERS w. , [break]
    - FIRE SIGN w. [break]
    - LESSER MEGALOPOLIS: CF w. [break]

    Fern is often a bit of a difficult case for me, in observant role, to pin down. By all accounts, they are an admin who holds up their responsibilities and duties. Delegation of tasks, as is seen with @girard in their negotiation to handle some aspects of Rocket’s smuggling and black market ops. Observing and evaluating potential SPECTRA recruits during the trinity trials. Attending official meetings and exploring what is offered in the realm of the RKS advancement[break][break]

    They are dutiful, they do their job. But much of this is also a role they play.[break][break]

    Fern, at his authentic base level, is much more fickle and lonesome than they tend to present. Their independence has been a driving force of their nature from the start, and it is often at odds with the degree of aggressive, and in their opinion, often blind loyalty that is touted by some members of Rocket. Who they trust and who they depend upon is, in truth, a smaller number than might be presumed. As they point out in a conversation had with :[break][break]

    “If a dutiful admin is the kecleon color required to keep me secure, so be it.” They tap their temple. “But a piece of the hive mind? Not at all.”

    As a result, it becomes clear that Fern holds a high degree of hubris and self-confidence, often to reckless levels. This is evidenced multiple times during postdormitum—particularly in their refusal to back down against , even when it becomes exceedingly dangerous. The aftermath of that day, and their injuries as a result, have had a profound effect on Fern, though not in a way that necessarily tips heavier toward Rocket. Instead, they only lean on the few they choose to, as their pride stings and they are forced to accept the fact that they must depend on support more than they are accustomed to. Rather than grow a degree of wariness, however, Fern remains a wildcard—leery of the faith that some hold in Rocket, in ties to Kanto, in accepting the pure and simple glory of rocket while not maintaining separation in the process. [break][break]

    As they flounder with their frustrations, they grow more skeptical and more inclined to voice their thoughts (as seen in Disseminate II.) Thoughts that had largely been kept somewhat private and self-reflective as they doubt even their partner’s aggressive dedication to the organization—a frustrating sticking point considering that they feel far more loyal to as a person, than they do to Rocket. The exception to their rule of looking out for number one first and foremost. As their bond with tapu koko grows, so too does their outspokenness and spontaneous temperament. They are, as they said, one who fills the roles they need to in order to survive in the best way they know how. But as they lose the thread, will become too tangled together to sort out?[break][break]

    Fall in line, or pay for refusing? Hopefully, this unpredictable behavior doesn’t come back to bite Fern too severely, she says, as she laughs to herself and types this out.[break][break]

    This was much better before my page crashed and wiped out this plot section. :’3

    relevant threads:[break]
    - DISSEMINATE II[break]
    - RKS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5[break]
    - CRYING SHAME w. [break]
    - CARGO: LF w. [break]
    - SUPERPOSITION w. [break]
    - DUST TO DUST w. [break]
    - HOME VISIT w. , [break]
    - RIGHT HAND MAN w. @girard[break]
    - DEJA VU w.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. ✨ TAPU KOKO[break]
    It’s been only a short while, but great fun to start working tapu koko into Fern’s site-based narrative. Fern, who was initially and personally quite opposed to the concept of compromising his autonomy, has found himself tethered to a creature that reflects much of who he is, for better or worse. Particularly one another’s fickle and petty moodiness, which Fern has been increasingly influenced by (though it is subtler st present.) Their parallelism has been interesting to begin defining, and I’ve found that I enjoy the snappy banter that seems to unfold naturally as Fern talks at this thing he doesn’t quite know what to do with. And as much as he detests the fact that his independence is now compromised, and he is annoyed with tapu koko or vice versa more often than not, they’ve already both begun to show signs of a natural desire to protect the other. Whether that is more self-serving than innate loyalty remains to be figured out, but at present in current narratives, their dynamic serves as a cut of levity. Largely because Fern is stilted by a lack of control in maintaining avatarship abilities, and how to even manage tapu koko in general. As their time together expands, my aim is to employ them as a more chaotic and unpredictable force together in navigating collaborative endeavors, whether it be conflict with the league or questioning typically unquestioned methods within Rocket.

  • any notes/comments: i’m never gonna stop crying about my shiny chicken, i love it

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